Currently in CCS files and folder pathsnext special symbols can be implemented. The following symbols are:
* - asterix symbol - It is used when there is a need to replace all symbols in some path.
? - question mark - It is used when one symbol need to be replaced.
* - asterix symbol:
C:\Users\* - asterix replace all symbols after "\" this mean that rule will work for all files in "Users" folder as asterix replace all next symbols. "C:\Users\*" is used for all files in that particular folder.
C:\Users\TestFile* - asterix is used for files in "Users" folder which have "TestFile" prefix independently of the suffix length ("TestFile1234.exe", "TestFile1AAAAAA.exe", "TestFile1.exe" etc.)
C:\Users\*TestFile.exe - asterix replace prefix of the name but file name should be ended with "TestFile.exe". This path will not work with "TestFile" name (without extension)
C:\Users\TestFile?.exe - question mark in path replace only one next symbol after "TestFile" ("TestFile1.exe", "TestFileX.exe" etc.) and can be used in any place of the name ("C:\Users\Test?File.exe", "C:\Users\?TestFile.exe" etc.)