How to Create URL Filtering Profile

Release Time
3826 times
Comodo Secure Web Gateway

Environment : Comodo Dome Secure Web Gateway 

Summary : In order to enforce web protection policies  with using URL filtering , you should configure which website categories should be allowed and blocked from URL filtering section from Dome SWG portal. URL filtering policies allow you to block (or allow) access to large numbers of websites of a certain type. You can add multiple website categories to a single profile. In addition to URL filter settings, you can also define your own domain whitelist and blacklist. The list added here overrides the URL filter settings done in the category section. For example, if you select 'News' category to be blocked and add to whitelist, then access to is allowed and blocked for other news websites, such as


- It is assumed that you have already C1 account 

- It is assumed that you have already Dome SWG instance in your C1 portal 

Configuration Steps: 

Step 1 :  Connecting Dome SWG Portal 

i.  Login to C1 portal from 

ii.  Go to Application --> cDome Standard 

iii.  Cdome Standard (SWG) portal will be opened on another tab

Step 2: Creating New URL Filtering Profiles 

i. Go to Configuration --> Web Content Policy ---> URL Filtering

ii. Click on "New URL Policy" 

iii. Name Tab Configuration 

  •     Name :  Enter an appropriate name for the URL filtering profile in the 'Name' field
  •     Remark : Enter a description or notes about the policy in the 'Remark' field and click 'Next' to proceed or 'Settings'

iv. Click 'Next' to configure Profile Settings 

Step 3 : Configuration of Profile Settings

i. Category : Website categories that can be allowed or blocked will be displayed in the 'Select Category' drop-down.  You can select multiple categories at the same time. 'Select all' allows you to include all available categories. Please review and deselect any categories you wish to allow

ii. Safe Search Enforcement : This settings allows you to configure so as to block and delete inappropriate search engine results such as results that contain explicit sexual content.Click on the toggle button to enable or disable safe search enforcement feature

iii. Blacklist / Whitelist Configuration for Policy 

This section allows you to add exceptions to the URL filtering categories that were defined above. For example, if you have configured to block shopping websites and add to whitelist, then this shopping site will be allowed. Similarly any website added to blacklist here will be blocked even if it belongs to an allowed category

  •    Whitelist : Add domains that you want to exempt from Dome URL filtering rules. Please note the list here takes priority over the category setting. Make sure the sites that are whitelisted       are safe. Click the '+' button after entering the domain name in the field. To remove a domain name, click the trash can icon beside it.
  •    Blacklist :Specify domains that should be blocked even if it belongs to an allowed category. Click the '+' button after entering the domain name in the field. To remove a domain name, click the trash can icon beside it.

iv. Click on Create button then your new  URL Filtering Profile will be added into list. You can delete or modify this profile from action section. 

v. You can use New URL Profile in your policy. Please navigate to Configuration --> Policy to create new policy.