How to remotely install custom MSI / packages on Windows devices

Release Time
1712 times

Open Endpoint Manager > click 'Devices' > 'Device List' > select a target device > Click the 'Install or Manage Packages' button.

  • Endpoint Manager console lets you remotely install third party applications from MSI packages on Windows devices by specifying the URLs of the packages

  • You can also specify command line options for the installation and configure reboot options.


Remotely install third-party MSI packages

  • Login to Comodo One/ Xcitium

  • Click 'Applications' > 'Endpoint Manager'

  • Click 'Devices' > 'Device List'

  • Click the 'Device Management' tab in the top menu

    • Select a company or a group to view just their devices

    • Select 'Show all' to view every device in EM

  • Select your target Windows devices using the check-boxes on the left

  • Click 'Install or Manage Packages' > 'Install Custom MSI/Packages':


  • Alternatively, click on the name of the device > select 'Install or Manage Packages' > Install Custom MSI/Packages'


The 'Install Custom MSI/Packages' dialog appears:


  • MSI/Package URL - enter the location of the installer. Make sure it is from a https site. For example,

  • Command-line Options - Enter any required installation switches (optional).

    • You need only enter the command here. E.g. /L or /quiet

    • Click the 'Read more' link to read more about command-line options.

  • Choose the reboot option you prefer:

    • 'Force the reboot in...' - restart the end-point a certain period of time after installation. Choice of 5, 10, 15 or 30 minutes


The following message will be displayed on the device:


The device will be restarted automatically when the time period elapses.

  • 'Suppress the reboot' - Do not restart the machine after installation. CCS will only become fully functional after the device is restarted.

  • 'Warn about the reboot and let users postpone it' - Show an alert to the user which advises them that their computer needs to be restarted. You can enter a custom message which is shown to the user:


  • Maintenance window status - Details of any maintenance windows in the device's profile.

    • Total number of devices outside of maintenance window - The number of devices that are not part of a maintenance window. The installation can run on these devices.

    • Number of devices blocked by maintenance windows settings - The number of devices on which you cannot run the installation because the admin has blocked installs outside of maintenance window.

    • Number of devices warned by maintenance window settings - The number of devices that are part of a maintenance window and have warnings enabled. You can still install on these devices.

      • Skip devices warned by maintenance windows settings - A maintenance window is a time-slot reserved for running important tasks on target devices. Admins can enable a warning if somebody attempts an installation task outside of the window. This setting will skip those devices which have been added to a maintenance window with warnings enabled.

             See this wiki if you want to read more on maintenance windows.

  • Click 'Install'

An installation command is sent to the device.

You can view the installation progress in the device details interface:

  • Click 'Devices' > 'Device List'

  • Click the 'Device Management' tab in the top menu

    • Select a company or a group to view just their devices

    • Select 'Show all' to view every device in EM

  • Click on the name of the device to open its device details interface

  • Click 'MSI Installation State' tab


Further reading:

How to install Comodo Client Security on Windows, Linux and Mac devices

How to remotely update EM clients on Windows devices