How to submit and vote for feature requests

Release Time
1266 times
Xcitium Portal

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  • The Comodo One / Dragon forum is a message board designed to provide fast assistance to our users. Ask any question you like here, and you’ll receive informed responses from developers and fellow users alike.
  • You can also requests new features and vote on requests submitted by others.

Create a new feature request

View requests from others and vote them

Create a new feature request



  • Click 'New Topic'


  • Enter a subject for your request
  • Describe your request in the text box
  • Click 'Post'

Your feature request is submitted. You can view the request at

View requests from others and vote them


  • Click 'Feature Requests' to view a list of all proposed new features.
  • Click a request then click ‘Open Discussion’ to view and contribute to the request thread

  • Click 'Vote' to show your support for the proposal
  • Alternatively place your mouse over a request and click the 'Vote' button on the right