How to view logs of admin/staff actions in Endpoint Manager

Release Time
1351 times
Endpoint manager portal

Click 'Dashboard' > Audit Logs'

  • Endpoint Manager logs all actions taken on managed devices by admins and staff. These logs can be useful when troubleshooting issues.
  • Example logged actions include:
    • Add, update or remove users / user groups
    • Send password recovery mails to users
    • Add or remove devices / device groups
    •  Apply a security profile
    • Create or edit a profile
    • Package installations
    • Remote take-over sessions
    • Changes to containment settings
    • Remote file transfers
    • Auto-removal of old / duplicate devices
    • Remote execution of command line and powershell commands
    • Generate reports
  • Each log entry is accompanied with details such as the staff member who applied the action, the affected device, the action taken, and more.
  • Audit logs are maintained for up to a year for PCI-DSS compliance.

The logs screen shows activities in chronological order.

  • Staff - Username of the admin or staff member who performed the action.
  • Event Name - The action executed. Examples include user enrollment and update, device enrollment, profile update, remote installation of packages, remote take-overs, remote tools sessions and device removals.
  • Affected Object - The device, device group, profile, procedure or filegroup which was the target of the action.
    • Click the name to view more details about the item.
  • Old Value - The setting or value before the action was implemented.

           For example, if a Comodo package is remotely updated, the old version number of the package is shown here.

  • New Value - The setting or value after the action was implemented.

           For example, if a Comodo package is remotely updated, the version number of the new package is shown here.

  • Extra Info - Additional details about the action. These include devices on which the procedure was run, installation parameters, profiles applied/removed, malware quarantined,  scans run and so on.

           Script or patch procedures - Click 'Selected Devices' to view the devices on which the procedure was run.

  • Session ID - String that identifies the connection session between the device and the EM server during the action.
  • Log Creation Date - Date and time of the event.

Use the filters to view events of a specific type, events that affected a specific object, and more:

  • Click the funnel icon at the top right.


You can filter items by various criteria or search for specific events.

  • Component name – Select whether you want to view the events from the EM portal of from the Remote Control sessions handled by admins and staff.
  • Source – Select the category of objects affected by the actions for which you want to see the logs
  • Event name - Select the type of action
  • Affected object – Enter the label of the user, user group, device, device group, profile, procedure or file group affected by the event
  • Old Value – Type a value string to view events where that value was changed.
  • New Value - Type a value string to view events where that value was implemented
  • Extra info – Enter additional details about the actions for which you want to see the logs.
  • Session ID – Enter the connection session identification string of a device to view only the actions executed during that session

Select your filter criteria and click 'Apply'.

Generate Log Reports

You can generate a log report for up to the past 90 days.

  • Click 'Dashboard' > 'Audit Logs'.
  • Click the funnel icon to filter which records are included in the report.
  • Click 'Export' above the table then choose 'Export to CSV'.


  • Go to 'Dashboard' > 'Reports' to download the report.
  • See this page for more advice on reports.