How to create an automated alert ticket in Service desk using ‘Monitoring’

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1483 times

  • Monitors track events on a managed endpoint and take specific actions if their conditions are met.  For example, you could create a monitor to alert you if disk space on a device falls below 10%.
  • You can also configure a monitor to create a Service Desk ticket if its condition are met.
  • You add the monitor to a profile. The profile is, in-turn, deployed to devices to implement the monitor.
  • This tutorial will take you through the following:
    • Create an alert template which generates Service Desk tickets
    • Create your monitor and apply the alert template
    • Add the monitor to a profile


Create an alert template

  • Login to Comodo One / Xcitium
  • Click 'Applications' > 'Endpoint Manager'
  • Click 'Configuration Templates' > 'Alerts'
    • The 'Alerts' interface shows all existing alert templates. These templates contain the responses you want taken if the conditions of a monitor are met.
    • You can apply the same alert template to several monitors, or create different templates for different monitors as required.
  • Click 'Create Alert':

  • Type a name and description for your alert then click 'Create':

  • After saving, you will be taken to the alert configuration screen:

  • Click the 'Alert Settings' tab

  • Click 'Edit' and configure the following settings:
    • Enable “Create alert tickets on the Service Desk''
      • 'Append to an original ticket if...' - If enabled, the monitoring breach data will be added to an existing ticket if one already exists for the breach. If unselected, a new ticket is created for each breach.
      • 'Automatically close the ticket if the metrics...' - If enabled, the ticket is closed if/when the monitored conditions return to normal.
      • 'Open the tickets under' - Select the department to which the ticket should be assigned.
      • 'Open the tickets with priority' - Select the ticket severity level from normal, high or critical. The severity level depends on the importance you place on the monitored condition.
  • Configure other alert settings as required, including extra recipients and additional data you want to include in the ticket.
  • Click 'Save'. The new alert template will be listed in the alerts interface. You can now apply this template to your monitor.

Configure your monitor:

  • Click 'Configuration Templates' > 'Monitors'

  • Click 'Create Monitor'

  • Enter a label and description and specify where to save the new monitor. You can create new sub-folders under 'My Monitors' if required.
  • Click 'Create'.
  • You will be taken to the monitor configuration screen:

  • Click the 'Conditions' tab
  • Choose the event type that you want to monitor:

  • Configure the conditions of the monitor. The example below shows the configuration screen for the  disk space monitor:

  • Click 'Save'.
  • The custom monitor will be added to the list of monitors under the 'Monitors' tab.
  • The monitor can now be added to a profile which is deployed to your devices.

More details on monitors and alerts can be found at

Add the monitor to a profile

  • Click 'Configuration Templates' > 'Profiles'
  • Open the Windows profile you want to configure
  • Click 'Add Profile Section' > 'Monitors'
  • Click the 'Add Monitor' button

  • Type the name of the monitor you just created in the field provided:

  • Click 'OK' to save your settings
  • The monitor will be listed in the 'Monitors' tab of the profile:

  • The monitor will be applied to whichever endpoints are targeted by your profile on next sync.