How to manage staff roles in Service Desk

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1257 times

Click 'Admin Panel' > 'Staff' > 'Roles'

  • Roles determine the permissions and access rights that staff members have within the Service Desk interface
  • Service Desk inherits three roles from Comodo One / Dragon:
    • Account Administrator
    • Administrator
    • Technician
  • 'Account Administrator' and 'Administrator' cannot be deleted, but you can modify them. These roles initially have access to all areas and full control over all departments.
  • You can also create custom-named roles with different permissions.
  • New staff added to Comodo One / Dragon are added to Service Desk with the same role.
  • Admins can move staff to another role in the 'Staff Members' interface (‘Admin Panel’ > ‘Staff’ > ‘Staff Members’ > click on a staff member’s name).
    • See this wiki if you need help to do this. 
  • This article explains how to create and manage custom roles in Service Desk

Use the following links to jump to the area you need help with:

Open the roles interface

  • Login to Comodo One / Dragon
  • Click 'Applications' > 'Service Desk'
  • Open the admin panel (see the last link on the left)
  • Click 'Staff' > 'Roles':

Role Name: The role label.

Status: Enable or disable the role.

  • Staff members with a disabled role cannot log in to Service Desk.
  • Click the role name to activate/deactivate the role.

Members: The number of staff members assigned to the role.

  • Click the number to view the member list.

Departments: The number of departments that can be accessed by role members.

Created On: The date and time at which the role was created.

Last Updated: The date and time the role was last modified.

Create a new role

  • Open the admin panel (see the last link on the left)
  • Click 'Staff' > 'Roles'
  • Click 'Add New Role' at the top:


From top-to-bottom, role permissions are split into three main groups:

  • Group permissions - which areas of the staff and admin panels are visible to role members.
  • Functional permissions - what actions role members can or cannot do.
  • Department access - which departments role members are allowed to access.

The ' Add New Role' screen contains the following fields and options:

Role Information

  • Name: Enter a descriptive label for the role.
  • Status: Select whether the role is active or disabled. If disabled, role members cannot log in to Service Desk and will not receive department alert & notices.

Group Permissions

  • Group permissions let you set access rights to specific features and areas of Service Desk. You can set different permissions for both the admin and staff panels.
  • Disabled features will not be visible to staff who have this role.
  • The area directly underneath lets you choose the functions that role members can perform:

Department Access

  • Select which departments can be accessed by role members. These departments are added to the primary department to which the staff member belongs.

Admin Notes

  •  Add remarks regarding the role for the reference of other admins.

Click the 'Create Role' button to save your new role.

Edit a role

  • Open the admin panel (see the last link on the left)
  • Click 'Staff' > 'Roles'
  • Click on the role you want to edit.

The 'Update Role' interface lets you change the role name, enable/disable the rule and change role permissions. The interface is similar to the 'Add New Role' interface. See the explanation above for help to do this.

Remove roles

  • You cannot delete roles inherited from Comodo One / Dragon, and you cannot delete roles that still have staff assigned to them.
  • Remove all staff from a role before attempting to delete it.

Remove a role

  • Open the admin panel (see the last link on the left)
  • Click 'Staff' > 'Roles'
  • Select the role you want to remove
  • Click 'Delete':


  • Click 'Yes, Do it!' to confirm the removal